Category: Obstetrics

Prenatal Care: What to Expect During Each Trimester

Pregnancy is segmented into three stages known as trimesters. Each trimester lasts between 12 and 14 weeks or about 3 months. Full-term pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. During each trimester, your baby will achieve certain developmental milestones. As you travel through the next nine months, let’s learn more about prenatal care: what to expect during each trimester.

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Preemie Development: Understanding Actual vs Corrected Age

How old is your baby? Most new mothers hear that question a lot. For the mom of a premature infant also known as a preemie, the answer can be complicated. So how exactly do you answer this person’s question? It’s really up to you, but it is important that you are aware of preemie development: understanding actual vs corrected age. Continue reading “Preemie Development: Understanding Actual vs Corrected Age”

Postpartum Rage Is More Common Than You Think

The nine months of waiting are finally over. The baby showers are behind you, mother and mother-law have gone home, visitors have left, and you are finally alone with your little bundle of joy. Of course you have heard of the baby blues and how those raging hormones can affect a new mom, but you have never heard about the anger and erupting rage you are feeling. It scares you. Postpartum rage is more common than you think.

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Your Guide to Pregnancy After 35

It’s no secret that many women are waiting longer to begin a family. They want to accomplish some personal goals like completing their graduate degrees or reaching professional milestones. They make the decision to put pregnancy on the back burner, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about wanting a baby. They know it would have been easier to get pregnant in their twenties, however, they recognize that it is still doable. If that describes you, here is your guide to pregnancy after 35.

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Common Reasons for a Scheduled C-Section

When you are starting a family, you do a lot of planning. You organize and furnish the nursery and decide whether you want to know the baby’s gender. Scheduling and planning for a C-section may not be on the list, but it’s something you may not have control over. Your physician may make the decision ahead of time, or it could be due to an emergency during labor and delivery. Here are common reasons for a scheduled C-section.

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Practicing Self Care After Giving Birth

You have accomplished a miraculous thing. You grew a baby inside your body for nine months, and then gave birth to a healthy new human being. Think about that! Yes, millions of women have done that for centuries, but now you did it. Take a breath and settle into an entirely new life by practicing self care after giving birth.

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What To Expect If You Have A C-Section Delivery

A cesarean birth is a surgical procedure used when a vaginal delivery is too risky. According to the CDC, C-sections account for approximately 30% of deliveries in the United States. It can be planned ahead of time or decided during a normal vaginal delivery if complications occur during labor. Either way, here is what to expect if you have a C-section delivery.

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